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Search engine optimization and meta tag

      Now we know that, what is search engine optimization. Meta tag  one of the important part of on- page optimization. When you will submitting a website on search engines, its robot will searching  title and the keywords content of a site.

Its easy to input on your site, whatever your site is Joomla, Wordpress, blogger.

You just have to put this code on your site and its between <head>   </head> code.

Its almost like that,

<title>Learn english online</title>Learn English Online,
<meta name="keywords" content="english grammer, spoken english, fluent english, online english course, ielts"/>
<meta name="description" content=" this is english learning site where are availble english grammer, spoken english, fluent english."/>

You just have to exchange title, keyword and descriptions. Its easy to do.
If you want more support about SEO contact with us